
Import Scenario » Import multiple Sales Orders with automatic numbering

  • 11 September 2023
  • 13 replies

Userlevel 3

We would like to know if it is possible to import sales orders via Excel that contain multiple rows per order and use the automatic numbering feature. We have found several topics on this in the community, but none of them have worked for us yet.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

13 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

@jwestermann17  By default Acumatica is providing the IMPORT SCENARIO to import the Sales Orders.

Please try with the below import scenario and verify.



Userlevel 3

Hi. Unfortunately this is not included in our German Haufe X360 version. I found a scenario in the community where the person suggested to just use "1,2,3,4..." in the excel as order nbr to show the system which rows are associated with the same order, but with this error that the order number does not exist / cannot be empty. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

@jwestermann17  Just shared it here for your reference.

Let me know if you need any help!!

Userlevel 3

Hi @Naveen Boga 

Thank you very much. This Import Scenario does look like its made for manual numbering, isn’t it? 
How can we modify it to allow automatic numbering to import sales orders on the fly whenever our customer gets a new pre-filled excel file? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

@jwestermann17  Generating the Sales Order Number will be taken care by the Acumatica system. You just need to fill in the Dummy values for each order in the Excel.


Example:  if you 2 records for each order, please fill the Excel like below.

Also, I have created new import scenario with few fields and you can review.



Userlevel 3

Hej @Naveen Boga
with the Acumatica Import-Scenario - aswell as yours - i always get the same Error: '[OrderNbr]' must not be empty. Could this be a bug in X360? My Excel looks like this which should be fine


Userlevel 7
Badge +18

@jwestermann17  Yes, I have also seen the same issue in the X360.


I just changed to the Auto Numbering value like <AUTO> and it worked for me. Please find the screenshot for reference.



Userlevel 3

Hello @Naveen Boga 
But if i change it to “<AUTO>” how does the import scenario determine which lines should go with which order? If in my Excel i have 20 lines it would now create 20 Orders, no?

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Yeah, Understood. All the lines are adding it to the one Sales Order. I will check and let you know if I found any solution for this. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi @jwestermann17 

Here’s a video where you can find detailed explanation on how import scenario works when auto-number is enabled (min 7:24): 

Hope this helps.

Userlevel 3

Hello @riglesias

Thank you, but as mentioned this does not seem to work in X360 the way it works in Acumatica.

Userlevel 3

Hello @Naveen Boga, did you have any success?

Any solution to this?

To clarify, we need an import scenario to bring in all lines on one sales order  - with auto-numbering?


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