
Import Scenario to Change Ship Via

Userlevel 4

Hi all, 

I’m trying to create an import scenario to change the ship via when an order includes an alcoholic item. 

I’ve created a GI to catch all the orders with the targeted items, and then have a business event setup to run every time a record is inserted into this GI. The business event then runs the import scenario. 

It says it’s running without errors, but the sales order ship via’s are not changing. And also, it looks like the business event is running multiple times instead of just once per record? 

Anyone know what I might be missing? 




Best answer by Manikanta Dhulipudi 30 June 2023, 18:26

View original

11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @bclark 

Please share the Business event xml and GI to review quickly and update.


Userlevel 4


I’ve attached the XML for the Business event, generic inquiry, and the import scenario. 

Thanks for looking into this!

I’m not having issues with the GI as much as the rest of the process. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @bclark 

Please Update the IMport scenario like this and share feedback,if not resolved I will look into Business event file shared


Userlevel 4


I originally had that value as just “Ship Via” and had changed it to Ship Via→ Ship Via to test things. 

I switched it back now, but it still is not changing the ship via on the sales order. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Could you please uncheck on Order hold for now, and check if the Business event is working or not?


Userlevel 4


I’ve unchecked the Hold buttons. The business event appears to be working without errors. Is there another way to check that the business event is working as it should?


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @bclark 

to verify quickly I have disabled all the conditions in the Generic inquiry and made the record change when the sales order status changed from Hold to open and run an import scenario to update the ship via.

I verified with one sample and it worked.

Attached are GI, BE and  Import scenarios for reference,

Please Upload in the test instance first.

Trouble shooting steps:

If you still think the Business is not working then Please uncheck all conditions in the generic inquiry As I do and start checking which condition causing a conflict.

Userlevel 4


I was unable to get it to work with the new uploaded XML versions you provided. 

I also am confused as to why it would something with the GI. The conditions I had in the original GI are exactly what we need, and the sales orders were showing up on that screen appropriately. 

The business event is set to run whenever a record is inserted into that GI, and I haven’t had issues with the sales orders showing up on that screen. 

Still experiencing issues with the import scenario not changing the shipvia. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @bclark I request you, please Uncheck all the conditions and verify once.

In a General way, the Acumatica Import scenario runs but it will not update the results that we needed, sometime it will show wrong error nformation.


Userlevel 4


I did try running it with all the conditions unchecked, with the new XML versions you shared. 

It did not work. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @bclark 

I have one last suggestion.

In your generic inquiry there are some keys are missing, for any Business events all keys fields are needed/

For example

You have used PX.Objects.AR.Customer table in the GI but there is no key d added.

Key field which is yellow in colours


I hope when you uncheck you have added one condition in your GI, sales order - Open status.

when the sales order comes moved from Hold to open it did not update the ship via?



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