
User Import Scenario with Multiple Roles

  • 29 December 2022
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 3

I am looking to create an Import Scenario that will import Users and assign them multiple roles. A user on the template may be assigned 1 role or 8 roles. I need all associated roles imported without using User Types since most users will have different roles assigned. How can I import users and have them assign multiple roles? I am able to import them and have it assign 1 role, but more than 1 it doesn’t assign any.


User Import Scenario



Best answer by ed.goodman 29 December 2022, 16:51

View original

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @nhorvathNAW 

Please check the suggestion provided me and also import scenario


Userlevel 3

Thanks @manikantad18 I did see this post before I created mine. It was helpful to get the single role imported, but I was unable to get multiple roles imported for the user.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @nhorvathNAW Let me check once and let you know.


Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hello @nhorvathNAW!

Here is a scenario mapping that was used to import users and roles.


Userlevel 3

@ed.goodman This did the trick! Thank you very much.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2


You are welcome!  Glad I could help! 

Userlevel 3

@ed.goodman I know this was 4 months ago, but I noticed I am doing an import with 38 users. It will only select the roles when I import 1 user at a time. Doing the bulk import, it will only select the roles for the first user in the list. Do you know how I can get this to work for ALL users in the import?


Hello @nhorvathNAW!

Here is a scenario mapping that was used to import users and roles.


Is there an XML file for this scenario?


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