Generic Inquiry

  • 20 January 2024
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 3

What are the use cases of Generic Inquiry ?

6 replies

Badge +18


I recommend searching this community for “Generic Inquiry” and see the examples. Read about the Generic Inquiries built by others.

There are so many ways to use Generic Inquiries… not possible to list them.


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Agree with @Laura02 they have so many uses in Acumatica but if i was to go for the first use case is any report that the customer deems a requirement i look to replace with a GI. But this may not even need to be a new GI just an existing one with filters and some fields added to the result grid.

Userlevel 6
Badge +5

The core of a Generic Inquiry is essentially the same as building a view in SQL.  Or think of it as a Query on steroids.  

If you open up Sales Orders, Stock Items, Invoices, etc.  Those are Generic Inquiries, you can actually modify those.

Need a dashboard, the Generic Inquiry provides the data. Need data in Excel, even if using Velixo, it’s using a Generic Inquiry.  

A report (Printed Invoices, Sales Orders, Profitability reports), those use a Schema, but it’s essentially the same thing.  

​​​​​@Laura02 and @dcomerford said, search Generic Inquiry and you’ll see many situations.  I just wanted to list a few since you tend to find more specific cases on here.  

Userlevel 7
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A Generic Inquiry is a powerful tool designed for users to retrieve and display data from the Acumatica database without the need for complex programming or database knowledge. It's a user-friendly way to create custom queries, reports, and dashboards. 

Generic Inquiries are quite powerful. If you are looking to gather data from different areas of Acumatica Generic Inquires are a great place to start!

Userlevel 7
Badge +18


Acumatica Generic Inquiry is a powerful tool within the Acumatica Cloud ERP system that allows users to create customized queries and reports without requiring extensive programming skills. It provides a flexible and user-friendly way to retrieve and analyze data from the ERP system. Here are some common use cases for Acumatica Generic Inquiry:

  1. Data Analysis and Reporting:

    • Users can create custom reports and dashboards to analyse specific sets of data relevant to their business processes.
    • Generate reports that display key performance indicators (KPIs) and business metrics.
  2. Data Retrieval and Display:

    • Retrieve and display data from multiple tables in a single view, making it easier to analyze related information.
    • Customize the layout of data fields to present information in a way that is meaningful to the user.
  3. Data Validation and Quality Assurance:

    • Use Generic Inquiry to identify and rectify data discrepancies or errors in the system.
    • Implement filters and conditions to highlight data that requires attention.
  4. Ad Hoc Reporting:

    • Create on-the-fly reports for specific business needs without relying on predefined reports.
    • Users can quickly generate reports to answer ad hoc questions or address immediate business requirements.
  5. User-Specific Views:

    • Tailor data views to meet the specific needs of different user roles within the organization.
    • Customize views for different departments or teams to ensure they see only the relevant data.
  6. Exporting Data:

    • Export query results to various formats such as Excel or CSV for further analysis or sharing with stakeholders.
    • Schedule exports to automate routine reporting tasks.
  7. Audit and Compliance:

    • Use Generic Inquiry to create audit reports, ensuring compliance with internal policies or external regulations.
    • Track changes to critical data fields and maintain an audit trail.
  8. Integration with Other Systems:

    • Integrate Acumatica data with other applications or systems by using Generic Inquiry to extract and transform data as needed.
    • Facilitate data sharing and synchronization with external platforms.
  9. Workflow Triggers:

    • Use Generic Inquiry as a trigger for workflow processes, automating actions based on specific data conditions.
    • Enhance business process automation by linking Generic Inquiries to workflow scenarios.

By leveraging Acumatica Generic Inquiry, users can gain deeper insights into their business data, improve decision-making processes, and streamline various aspects of their operations. The tool's flexibility and customization capabilities make it a valuable asset for organizations looking to tailor their ERP system to specific business requirements.

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Acumatica's Generic Inquiry is more than just a query tool; it's a multifaceted instrument within the Acumatica ERP ecosystem designed to transform data interaction, analysis, and decision-making processes. Leveraging its robust capabilities can revolutionize how businesses leverage their data. Here's an enriched perspective on its use cases:

Strategic Decision-Making and Advanced Analytics:
- Facilitates the creation of intricate reports and intuitive dashboards, empowering users to dissect data layers and unearth actionable insights.
- Supports advanced analytical models, driving strategic decisions through real-time, data-driven intelligence and comprehensive business metrics.

Sophisticated Data Manipulation and Enhanced Presentation:
- Offers sophisticated data retrieval across multiple entities, presenting a cohesive and relational view of critical business information.
- Empowers users to tailor the data presentation, ensuring complex datasets are transformed into user-friendly, intuitive formats.

Proactive Data Governance and Integrity Management:
- Acts as a sentinel for data integrity, using its advanced filtering and condition mechanisms to promptly identify anomalies or discrepancies.
- Promotes a culture of continuous data validation and quality assurance, essential for maintaining the accuracy and trustworthiness of business insights.

Dynamic and Responsive Reporting:
- Enables the creation of dynamic, ad hoc reports that cater to evolving business questions and scenarios, providing immediate answers and insights.
- Ensures that businesses remain agile and responsive, with the ability to generate targeted reports swiftly, catering to unique, time-sensitive business inquiries.

Tailored Data Ecosystems for Diverse Business Roles:
- Allows the customization of data ecosystems, ensuring that various business units or roles access data through lenses specifically tailored to their operational needs.
- Enhances cross-functional collaboration and ensures that every department or team member operates with data views that resonate with their specific objectives and strategies.

Advanced Data Exporting and Distribution Mechanisms:
- Streamlines the process of exporting data to various formats, accommodating diverse analytical needs and stakeholder preferences.
- Introduces sophisticated scheduling and automation features, ensuring that data delivery and reporting are seamless, timely, and consistent.

Robust Compliance Framework and Audit Trails:
- Offers robust tools for creating comprehensive audit trails and reports, fortifying the business's stance on compliance and regulatory adherence.
- Provides a transparent overview of data mutations, supporting a robust framework for risk management and internal audits.

Seamless System Integration and Data Harmonization:
- Serves as a pivotal integration point, harmonizing data flows between Acumatica and external systems, enhancing data consistency and reliability.
- Facilitates a unified business ecosystem, ensuring that data-driven strategies are cohesive and align with overarching business objectives.

Automated Workflows and Operational Excellence:
- Transforms data insights into automated triggers for workflows, fostering an environment where actions are preemptively aligned with business rules and conditions.
- Catalyzes operational excellence by embedding data-driven intelligence into the fabric of business processes, ensuring that actions are both timely and relevant.

In essence, Acumatica's Generic Inquiry is a cornerstone for businesses aspiring to harness their data's full potential. It's an indispensable ally in navigating the complex data landscape, ensuring that every strategic decision is underpinned by clarity, accuracy, and a deep understanding of the underlying business dynamics.



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