
Packing slip duplicate line are appearing

Userlevel 3


I'm seeking assistance with an issue regarding duplicate lines generated in the packing slip report. The problem arises when linking the ARTran table to the SOOrderShipment table.

I have attached the packing slip report for reference. Could someone please provide guidance on resolving this issue?


Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Best answer by ejmillar 6 May 2024, 14:18

View original

6 replies

Userlevel 3



I’m not able to attach file and it’s giving this message. how can i attached the .rpx or zip file



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @psoni1585 Please try below suggestions once 


Userlevel 3

Hi @manikantad18 ,



I’ve changed the join as per your advice, but still it’s print duplicate lines in the report.




Userlevel 3

Hi @manikantad18,


I’ve attached packing slip rpx file for your reference.

Appreciate your help.



Userlevel 4
Badge +1

The table SOOrderShipment is the table which is causing duplicates.

If you delete the following relationships the duplicates will be removed:

SOOrder Left Join SOOrderShipment

ARTran Inner Join SOOrderShipment


SOShipment should join to SOOrderShipment on the following:

ShipmentType, ShipmentNbr



Userlevel 3

Hi @ejmillar,


Appreciate your help

Now this issue has been solved after changing the join to SOShipment and SOOrderShipment.


Thanks :-)


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