
Arrive action on appointments starts log for all techs

  • 18 April 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 2

We are having an issue where we have multiple technicians on an appointment, let’s say three for example, one departs (only selecting themselves to depart), then he arrives (again only selecting themselves), and the appointment moves to In Process. Once this happens, it starts logging time for all the technicians, even though there was only one selected and they are the only ones who have a travel time log. Obviously the other techs are not there, so they should not have their time being tracked. 

Here’s an example of what it looks like after arriving the one technician

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

I have reproduced this issue and am looking to code a fix if we cannot find something. In our business, we would have the person clicking “Start” be the one starting the time, and then pausing the time for just themselves. Thinking about making a “start one” vs “start all” action to be added, that way the time log can be specified for the user vs everyone. Unless someone else brings up an idea here :)

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Getting more into it (and not adding more to an edited post), There are two fields that control this behavior on the service order type. 

Start Logging for Unassigned Staff
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when an appointment of the selected service order type is started, on the Log tab of the Appointments form, the system creates log lines for staff members that are assigned to the appointment but are not assigned to any service.

Start Logging for Services and Assigned Staff (If Any)
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when an appointment of the selected service order type is started, the system starts the included services, and on the Log tab of the Appointments form, the system creates log lines for the services and for any assigned staff members.


Depending on your settings, you can have it create only entries for lines that are assigned when they start. This would limit, if your techs are added but not assigned a line. I assume you have Start Logging for Unassigned Staff checked. This is  what we do, as we have the first staff member “claim” and start the appointment, adding their log, without having to add themselves to each line.

Now, it will start a log for each person if you have multiple on the job under staff, but not assigned. it will start/stop each of the people who have a log entry. If you start a job with one staff member, and then add another under staff, it will start/stop only the primary person who was on the job from the beginning.

Now, if you manually add the person’s start time under the log entries, when you pause it will pause both. Resume creates two entries, and will continue with the stop/start. 

Now, we can either do something to auto assign the person to the service, and then have the manager swap the person on the line who is now doing the service, to keep updated who is working on it. But with our staff, it would be better for me to make a mod for the techs to do it, especially when they punch in and out of a job to take it over from someone else.

Userlevel 2

We do have Start Logging for Unassigned Staff checked. We may look at adding actions for starting certain peoples logs only, for now I think we’re just going to monitor the logs to make sure they are correct. I’m not sure as to which direction we’ll head in. I feel like this should be a built-in feature since they let the departing and arriving actions select which techs to create a log for. 


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