
How do I handle the error for the period when entering a doc date into a bill through an import scenario?

  • 23 January 2024
  • 7 replies

Userlevel 2

I have created an import scenario to create a bill.

The bill may have a very old document date which the customer would like to capture in the document date, but the period should be the current period.  The period is updating correctly.

However, if the document date is not an Open Period, it gives an error that the period is not opened and then does not let the import scenario then set the period to override the error like i can do when I am entering a bill manually.

How do I get the import scenario to ignore the error on the missing period when the date is entered so it can then set the appropriate period?


Best answer by bryanb39 23 January 2024, 18:59

View original

7 replies

Userlevel 6
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If this isn’t a common import scenario that you have to run I’d add Period to the import file and add period to the import scenario.  

In Excel do it manually or create a formula that use the oldest open period if date is before oldest date that does not cause an error.  

Userlevel 2

They will be using this import scenario weekly.

I do have period in the import file.  I am setting it to a period based on a formula on the current date.  The problem is the date of the bill.  When it enters the date and the date is not an open period, there is an error that the period is not available.  I want to move past this error so I can then insert the correct period.  (this is how I would do it if I was in the Bills screen).  However, when the import scenario hits that error then it will not continue to the next step to allow me to update the period.

Userlevel 6
Badge +5

Ok, I see what you mean. 

Add a Dialog Answer ‘OK’ after post period.  


Badge +18


I understand you are trying to set an old date with an open period, Date/period mismatch intentional.

Are you a member of Financial Supervisors role? If not, add Financial Supervisor role to yourself and others that may import. The error on the older date should change to a warning.

Did you already try checking ON Ignore Error on in the Import Scenario?


Userlevel 6
Badge +5

I was able to replicate her issue and I was thinking the same thing and ignore error didn't do it.  The dialogue box with 'OK' right after Post Period did work.  

Userlevel 2

For me the dialog answer did not work. But ignore error on the Post Period field worked. But this is only for one row. For the second row, the error pops up again.

Any idea?

Userlevel 2

It is all good now. There was a duplicate line in the import scenario.


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