
Check List to Prepare Big Commerce Sandbox to test Acumatica Upgrade

  • 30 April 2024
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 6

We are looking for a checklist of items to prepare our Big Commerce sandbox for testing when we upgrade Acumatica.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Best answer by Yuri Karpenko 6 May 2024, 21:04

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4 replies

Userlevel 3

Is this for upgrading Acumatica versions? If yes, I will be doing this soon and need to get one going as well…. So lets build one! I will be upgrading to Acumatica 2022R2.

  • Are you a BigCommerce B2B Edition? Get the latest customization package for B2B to publish in Acumatica
  • First things first, Test BigCommerce Store Connection (BC201000)
  • Test ALL used entity syncs. For me:
    • Customer Price Class
    • Customer
    • Customer Location (this one causes me the most issues)
    • Sales Category
    • Stock Item (which include Base Sales Price & Product Image)
    • Price list
    • Product Availability
    • Sales Order
    • Payment
    • Shipment
  • Exporting Sales Orders? Test this
  • Test Schedules to make sure they’re firing.
  • New User created in website, and in Acumatica. Make sure they move both directions correctly.
    • If using B2B, create both a b2b company & a standard on sandbox website to test they come in fine.

That’s all I can think of for now, please add to it if you think of anything!

Userlevel 6

We are struggling with the preliminary step of getting the Big Commerce Sandbox ready to connect to the Acumatica Sandbox.  We have been told you have to essentially rebuild your new Big Commerce Sandbox with your ship vias, your customer classes, your discounts, etc from your active Big Commerce website.


We did not do these things and when we went to sync the Acumatica Sandbox and the Big Commerce Sandbox we get hundreds and hundreds of errors.  It is so time consuming to re-create your Big Commerce website in the Big Commerce Sandbox, we did not do any testing.  

Are other Big Commerce users having this same test issue? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@dougmcbride79 , when doing an upgrade, I would connect to the production version of BC, and disable any upstream connections in the connector (no bi-directional syncs and no export syncs). Yes, it doesn’t allow you to do a full regression testing, but it’s way better than trying to rebuild a BC store from scratch. Another option is to use a service from BC that copies your store and keeps the sandbox synced with the production - it’s a paid service, but might worth it. LMK if you need a connection with BC folks for such an option.

Userlevel 3

Sorry, I misunderstood the question. I recently did this as well, i essentially rebuilt the whole BC dataset from Acumatica syncs.

In Acumatica, I disabled any automation scheduled syncs and real-time syncs. Then cleared all Sync Entities (in Entities, 3 dot menu on every entity, Delete - makes you confirm).

In BigCommerce I deleted all B2B Companies, Customers, Customer Groups, Products, Orders & Price Lists.

This did take ages to resync data back into our BigCommerce Sandbox, but it was worth it as our sandbox dataset was nearing 2 years old and we started experiencing errors in production we couldn’t reproduce in Sandbox.


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