
Change Model Equipment to Part

  • 21 February 2024
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 2

Mistakes were made when item classes were set up and some Stock Items were created as Model Equipment that should be Parts and vice versa. I know the setting is read only on the inventory item, but it doesn’t look like correcting the setting on the item class solves the problem either. Any ideas on how to correct this for existing stock items?


Best answer by Laura02 21 February 2024, 19:49

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5 replies

Badge +18

Hello @dsimone20 ,

I am looking at a Sales Demo tenant in version 2023 R2, at a Stock Item that has quantity on hand. I am able to edit the Item Class on items:


I’m curious why you cannot change the item classes on stock items, where mistakes were made. The reason could be Access Rights, differences in features that we are using, differences in Configurations, or customizations prohibiting the change.

I don’t have a complete answer yet, just a feeling that the change you are requesting should be possible to carry out.

  1. Ask an administrator to try the same change, to rule out insufficient Access Rights.
  2. Ask an administrator to temporarily unpublish customizations , to see if you are able to make the changes with customizations temporarily unpublished.
  3. Provide a little more detail, please about which modules the site is using, which inventory features are on/off in Enable/Disable screen.

I hope this post helps lead you to an answer.





Userlevel 2

@Laura02, thanks for your reply and sorry I wasn’t more clear. The issue is that the item class was originally incorrectly set to Parts. Now we have items in that item class, and those are identified incorrectly as Parts. We updated the item class so that it is now Model Equipment. Item Class definition (updated):

But the item that were created are still identified as Parts. The change to the item class did not trickle down to the existing items. This is a part in that class.

Help says this setting is read only from the service mgt tab of stock items. But the equipment class is wrong and we are looking for a way to make these items into Model Equipment.

We have others items that were made as Model Equipment and need to be updated to Parts as well.

Badge +18


Thanks for the extra info!  I thought I might be missing some details.

My first idea is to temporarily place the items in a different item class (change of item class can be imported), then import a change back to the C01 class. 

Before you go to the trouble of updating all items, try changing one part manually: change item class to anything different, then back to c01.  Does the stock item now take on the correct Equipment class from the recent changes on the item class?




Userlevel 2

@Laura02 thanks. That worked, but it overwrites everything that is defaulted from the item class. Was hoping for a less intrusive solution.

Badge +18


I think there is a prompt when the class is changed, asking whether to over-write settings. If you answer No, are fields being reset to match the class??

As a last resort, export the Item ID’s along with current settings that are getting over-written, import change of class along with the same settings to set them as they belong at the same time as importing change of class. We can import the answer to the prompt (Dialog answer) at the same time.



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