
Employee filtering with @me

  • 22 March 2023
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 1

In Generic inquiries the @me option works on parameters as a default on CreatedBy, LastModifiedBy or OwnerID fields. I need a list of outstanding Appointments where @me is an Employee on the Staff Tab of an Appointment. How to find your own Appointments? The Appointment Summary does this but does not filter out applointments where staff have completed their service logs and there are multiple staff on an appointment. I plan to use a GI as the Appointment List in the Mobile App which does this.  My problem is that @me does not work on EmployeeID or Employee.UserID directly.  An Employee has a Contact record and Contacts have OwnerIDs but there is no way to access this to update the OwnerID such that it can be used on the query. I am looking at creating a new Contact per EMployee and using this in the query where the owner of the contact is the employee. Is this necessary?  


Best answer by Anacarina Calvo 22 March 2023, 12:03

View original

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

@sangland  Have you checked like below

@me cannot be apply for Employee ID or User ID.

But you can join the EPEMployee table with BAccount and there you can add condition like below

BAccount.DefContactID = @me

and verify

Userlevel 1

@Naveen Boga , I have tried that, but ContactIDs don’t respond to @me in a filter default. I can use @me using EPEmployee.UserID as a condition but not as a filter default. I’ll have to settle for a query with no filter.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi @sangland 
You can review the DB Appointment Techs (GI000074) GI that comes with Sales Demo data (I am attaching the GI to the answer). On the GI, they are able to apply the @me filter equal to “Employee Login”

Userlevel 1

Thanks @Anacarina Calvo. I can use that. Sorry my last post was unclear, I was trying to do the same in a parameter default. Of course the joins to Employee Login are not done until the query runs. 

Userlevel 1

I wanted to only show active appointments for an employee when there are multiple staff and one has completed the service work (FSLog Completed) then this should omitted. (In addition to the Appointment status, any Appointments with no logs and any in progress logs qualify as active, need to ignore Travel logs. Different Techs can be assigned to different service detail lines. To do this the query needs to join to FSLog and FSAppointmentDet. DetLineRefs are critical for the joins (which means default Travel is required on the SOType). I think the attached GI is working but I am not sure the joins work for all cases. (the @me is in the condition). Is there a simplier way?  

Userlevel 1

Hi @sangland 
You can review the DB Appointment Techs (GI000074) GI that comes with Sales Demo data (I am attaching the GI to the answer). On the GI, they are able to apply the @me filter equal to “Employee Login”

Thank you for sharing the GI to view the appointments that apply to @me. 

Please confirm on the mobile App I can view the GI data, that is only see the appointment, I can however not attend to the appointment.  I will be very functional for the user to view the appointment list for today and also be able to action/attend to the appointment.  So the drill down on the appointment as per the filter is not active as per on the Web. Please let me what do i miss?

Userlevel 1

If you can attend the appointment in the browser then the mobile app is the same. Must be an employee  with the field service option ticked. The Mobile App requires customisation to use the alternative GI.

Userlevel 1

If you can attend the appointment in the browser then the mobile app is the same. Must be an employee  with the field service option ticked. The Mobile App requires customisation to use the alternative GI.

Thank you Confirm on the Employees screen EP203000, Staff member in Service management = [yes]

I can attend to the appointment from the GI when I do log onto the browser but not on the mobile. Do you say customisation will be required?



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