
Import Scenario to Validate Card Payments

  • 27 March 2024
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 4


I’m trying to create an import scenario that will validate card payments, as a lot of payments are stuck in the Pending Processing status. 

I am able to manually click Validate card payment, and the capture is authorized and puts the payment in open status. I want to run this via an import scenario. I am even able to add a Mass Action on a GI that can validate the card payments in bulk, but I would want this to be scheduled or automatic. Thus trying out the import scenario.

However, I get an error message: The Validate Card Payment button is disabled.

Does anyone have ideas how to work around this issue? 

I’ve also attached the Import scenario XML. 


Thank you!


Best answer by Manikanta Dhulipudi 28 March 2024, 09:23

View original

5 replies

Userlevel 5

What version of Acumatica are you using?

Userlevel 5

When I imported the credit card Authorization <ValidateCCPayment> shows field does not exist. I think you will need to add a <Dialog Answer> before the save action.


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @bclark 

Please find the attached Import scenairo 

Userlevel 4


We are currently on 2022 R2. 

I will try out your suggestions today and give an update. Thank you!

Userlevel 4

@manikantad18 This updated import scenario worked, thank you!

I think I had the save action at the end which was not needed. 


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