
Trash bin deletes all entries from grid instead of only the current one

  • 23 February 2021
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 2


I have a graph with a grid filled with some entries.

Dataember is the same as the PrimaryView of the DataSource. SkinId is set to Primary.

It shows a trash bin with tooltip ‘Delete (ctrl + delete)’. Pressing this button displays a confirmation ‘The current entry … will be deleted.” Instead it deletes all entries so that the grid becomes empty.


What’s wrong here?


Best answer by mhaps 25 February 2021, 11:42

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @mhaps 

Have you created graph like below ?

Public class GraphName : PXGraph<GraphName,Primary DAC>


If you create a graph like this then you will get the trash bin delete option and when you click on it the it will delete all the records.


Can you please create a graph like shown below and change the skin Id to details instead of primary. 


Public class GraphName : PXGraph<GraphName>

With this syntax, we will get the Cross delete button on top of the grid and on click, it will delete only the current record instead of all records from the grid.


Hope this helps!!


Userlevel 2

The graph is already created without primary DAC.

It also has a form and master-detail relationship bound to Current. That does not work anymore if SkinID is set to Details for the master.

I solved it by replacing PXDelete<> with a custom action.


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